1. Bottles of dairy milk arrived in door ways, and women took them in, as though the war were a thousand miles away.

2. Becoming more creative means paying attention to that endless flow of ideas you produce, and learning to capture and act upon the new that's within you.

3. But some parents already produce second children with nonfatal transplants in mind, and many experts do not oppose this.
    但有些父母已经生了第二个小孩,目的是进行一些非致命器官的移植, 对此许多专家也不反对。

4. We keep trying all four methods, but the sheer volume of rubbish we produce worldwide threatens to overwhelm us.

5. We produce a steady flow of labor-saving devices; we communicate rapidly through faxes, phone calls or emails rather than through personal contacts,
    我们发明了一系列节省劳力的装置;我们通过发传真、打电话或发电子邮件与他人迅速地进行交流, 而不是通过直接接触。

6. The dairy cattle are going to come in.

7. They had laboured for three years to produce this floating work.

8. These factories produce tubes , transistors , radio sets and TV sets.

9. They had laboured for three years to produce this floating work of art;

10. The need to produce ever-increasing quantities of cheap food leads to a different kind of pollution.